Operation steps of enzyme substrate method detection instrument

Step1:add the water sample into the 100ml sampling bottle, add the enzyme substrate test reagent, tighten the lid
and shake it until it is completely dissolved.

Step2: add the sample to the quantitative detection plate.

Step3: use the program controlled quantitative sealer to distribute and seal the quantitative detection tray

Step4: The fourth step was to be cultured in a thermostat incubator, such as the need to detect the total coliform group or the Escherichia coli at 36±1℃,if the fecal coliform should be detected at 44.5 ℃.

Step5: the number of positive (yellow) lattices of the contrast color disk, if the Escherichia coli should be detected, it is necessary to use the purple light to irradiate the Yellow positive lattices, and the blue fluorescence is positive for Escherichia coli.

Step6: according to the orifice plate type, 51 or 97 hole MPN tables were used to get the number of coliform bacteria in 100ml, and the data were obtained by comparing MPN tables.
Step7: according to the sample dilution times, the final result is calculated according to the following formula: coliform group (/L) =MPN value * dilution multiple x 1000ml/100ml.